DATE : 29/01/2001
>> Latest version can be found at http://www.mort.level5.net/johnr/howto/aix.txt <<
http://www.rs6000.ibm.com/cgi-bin/ds_form Web based man pages
oslevel Returns operating system level
whence (program)
Returns full path of program
whereis (program)
Returms full path of program
what (program)
Displays identifying info from the executable
like version number, when compiled.
lslpp -L all
list all installed software
lslpp -L (program set name) Check if software installed
lslpp -f
Lists filesets vs packages
lslpp -ha
Lists installation history of filesets
instfix -ik (fix number eg IX66617) Checks id
fix is installed
instfix -ik 4330-02_AIX_ML
compress -c file.txt > file.Z Create a compressed file.
uuencode (infile) (extract-file-name) > (output file)
Converts a binary file to an ASCII file for transfer by modem or email
uudecode (encoded file)
Extracts a binary file from encoded file and calls it the extract-file-name
examples :-
uuencode maymap maymap > maymap.enc
uuencode maymap.enc
od -c /tmp
Displays contents of the /tmp directory file
ls -i
Lists files with their inode numbers
echo *
Lists files, can be used if ls is corrupt/missing
alog -o -t boot View the boot log
chtz (timezone eg GMT0BST)
Changes the timezone in /etc/environment file
chlang (language eg En_GB)
Changes the language in /etc/environment file
ar -v -t (archive file)
List contents of an archive
ar -v -x (archive file)
Extracts the archive
ar -v -t /usr/lib/libC-r.a
Lists contents of the libC_r.a library
find /source -print | cpio -pdm /target
Copying directories using cpio, creates /target/source directory.
dump -nTv (binary executable) Displays the contents of an executable file
dump -c Displays string information
dump -o Displays object file
dump -l Displays line numbers
dump -s Displays the text
snap -ao /dev/rmt0 Create
a snapshot onto tape
snap -ad (directory) Create a snapshot
into a named directory other
than the default (/tmp/ibmsupt)
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d Disables desktop logins
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e Enables desktop logins
PID of the dtlogin process
tty Displays what the tty/pty number of the terminal is.
termdef reports the termtype
setup in smit for the tty port
that termdef is run on.
chdev -l (device eg tty1) -a term=vt100 Sets tty to a vt100 terminal type
penable tty0 adds getty line into /etc/inittab
for tty0 and starts getty
pdisable tty0 disables the getty line and disables
penable / pdisable -a option is for all
stty erase ^? Set backspace key for vt100 terminals
stty erase ^H Set backspace key for wyse50
Displays the console device
chcons -a login=enable (device eg /dev/tty1)
Changes the console device
Create ttys on ports 0 to 7 on adapter sa2 :-
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
mkdev -c tty1 -t tty -s rs232 -p sa2 -w$i -a login=enable -a
portmir -t /dev/tty0 Mirror current terminal
onto /dev/tty0
portmir -o
Turns off port mirroring
host (ip or hostname) Resolves a hostname / ip address
Displays hostname
hostname (hostname) Sets
the hostname until next reboot
chdev -l (device name) -a hostname=(hostname) Changes
hostname permanently
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=thomas
ifconfig (device name)
Displays network card settings
ifconfig (device name) up
Turns on network card
ifconfig (device name) down
Turns off network card
ifconfig (device name) detach Removes
the network card from the
network interface list
ifconfig en0 inet netmask up
ifconfig lo0 alias Create alias ip address for loopback
route (add/delete) (-net/-host) (destination) (gateway)
Adds or deletes routes to other networks or hosts, does not update
the ODM database and will be lost at reboot.
route add -net
lsattr -EHl inet0
Displays routes set in ODM and hostname
odmget -q "name=inet0" CuAt
Displays routes set in ODM and hostname
refresh -s inetd
Refresh inetd after changes to inetd.conf
kill -1 (inetd PID) Refresh
inetd after changes to inted.conf
netstat -i
Displays interface statistics
entstat -d (ethernet adapter eg en0) Displays ethernet
arp -a Displays ip to mac address table from arp cache
no -a Displays
network options use -o to set individual options or
-d to set individual options to default.
no -o option=value (this value is reset at reboot)
no -o "ipforwarding=1"
traceroute (name or ipaddress)
Displays all the hops from source to
destination supplied.
ping -R (name or ipaddress) Same as traceroute except repeats.
exportfs Lists all exported filesystems
exportfs -a Exports all fs's in /etc/exports file
exportfs -u (filesystem) Un-exports a filesystem
mknfs Configures and starts NFS services
rmnfs Stops and un-configures NFS services
mknfsexp -d /directory Creates an NFS export directory
mknfsmnt Creates an NFS mount directory
mount hostname:/filesystem /mount-point Mount an NFS filesystem
nfso -a
Display NFS Options
nfso -o option=value
Set an NFS Option
nfso -o nfs_use_reserved_port=1
mkszfile -f
Creates /image.data file (4.x onwards)
mkszfile -X
Creates /fs.size file (3.x)
mksysb (device eg /dev/rmt0)
find (filesystem) -print | cpio -ocv > (filename or device)
eg find ./usr/ -print | cpio -ocv > /dev/rmt0
cpio -ict < (filename or device) | more
Lists archive
cpio -icdv < (filename or device)
cpio -icdv < (filename or device) ("files or directories to restore")
eg cpio -icdv < /dev/rmt0 "tcpip/*"
Restore directory and contents
cpio -icdv < /dev/rmt0 "*resolve.conf"
Restore a named file
tar -cvf (filename or device) ("files or directories to archive")
eg tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 "/usr/*"
tar -tvf (filename or device) Lists archive
tar -xvf (filename or device)
Restore all
tar -xvf (filename or device) ("files or directories to restore")
use -p option for restoring with orginal permissions
eg tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 "tcpip"
Restore directory and contents
tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 "tcpip/resolve.conf"
Restore a named file
find (filesystem) -print | backup -iqvf (filename or device)
Backup by filename.
eg find /usr/ -print | backup -iqvf /dev/rmt0
backup -(backup level 0 to 9) -f (filename or device) ("filesystem")
Backup by inode.
eg backup -0 -f /dev/rmt0 "/usr" -u option updates /etc/dumpdates file
restore -qTvf (filename or device) Lists archive
restore -qvxf (filename or device)
Restores all
restore -qvxf (filename or device) ("files or directories to restore")
(use -d for restore directories)
restore -qvxf /dev/rmt0.1 "./etc/passwd" Restore /etc/passwd file
restore -s4 -qTvf /dev/rmt0.1
Lists contents of a mksysb tape
To run the backup on a local machine (cpio) and backup on the remote
machine's (remhost) tape drive (/dev/rmt0)
find /data -print | cpio -ocv | dd obs=32k | rsh remhost \
"dd ibs=32k obs=64k of=/dev/rmt0"
To restore/read the backup (cpio) on the remote machine
dd ibs=64k if=/dev/rmt0 | cpio -icvt
To restore/read the backup (cpio) on the local machine from the remote
machine's (remhost) tape drive (/dev/rmt0)
rsh remhost "dd ibs=64k obs=32k if=/dev/rmt0" | dd ibs=32k \
| cpio -icvt
To run the backup (cpio) on a remote machine (remhost) and backup to
the local machines tape drive (/dev/rmt0)
rsh remhost "find /data -print | cpio -icv | dd ibs=32k" \
| dd ibs=32k obs=64k of=/dev/rmt0
Copying diskettes and tape
dd if=/dev/fd0 of=(filename) bs=36b
dd if=(filename) of=/dev/fd0 bs=36b conv=sync
or flcopy
dd if=/dev/rmt0 of=(filename)
dd if=(filename) of=/dev/rmt0
or tcopy
VI Commands
:g/xxx/s//yyy/ global change where xxx is to be changed by yyy
sed 's(ctrl v ctrl m)g//g' old.filename > new.filename
Strips out ^M characters from ascii files that have been transferred
as binary.
To enter crontrol characters type ctrl v then ctrl ? where ? is whatever
ctrl character you need.
lists all installed devices
lscfg -v
lists all installed devices in detail
lscfg -vl (device name) lists
device details
bootinfo -b
reports last device the system booted from
bootinfo -k
reports keyswitch position
1=secure, 2=service, 3=normal
bootinfo -r
reports amount of memory (/ by 1024)
bootinfo -s (disk device) reports size
of disk drive
bootinfo -T
reports type of machine ie rspc
lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem reports amount of useable memory
mknod (device) c (major no) (minor no)
Creates a /dev/ device file.
mknod /dev/null1 c 2 3
lsdev -C lists all customised
devices ie installed
lsdev -P lists all pre-defined
devices ie supported
lsdev -(C or P) -c (class) -t (type) -s (subtype)
chdev -l (device) -a (attribute)=(new value)
Change a device attribute
chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=80
lsattr -EH -l (device) -D
Lists the defaults in the pre-defined db
lsattr -EH -l sys0 -a modelname
rmdev -l (device)
Change device state from available to defined
rmdev -l (device) -d Delete
the device
rmdev -l (device) -SR S stops device,
R unconfigures child devices
lsresource -l (device) Displays bus resource attributes of a device.
Power Management (PCI machines)
pmctrl -a Displays the Power Management state
rmdev -l pmc0 Unconfigure
Power Management
mkdev -l pmc0 Configure Power
rmt0.x where x = A + B + C
A = density 0 = high
4 = low
B = retension 0 = no
2 = yes
C = rewind 0 = no
1 = yes
tctl -f (tape device) fsf (No)
Skips forward (No) tape markers
tctl -f (tape device) bsf (No)
Skips back (No) tape markers
tctl -f (tape device) rewind
Rewind the tape
tctl -f (tape device) offline
Eject the tape
tctl -f (tape device) status
Show status of tape drive
chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512
changes block size to 512 bytes
(4mm = 1024, 8mm = variable but
1024 recommended)
bootinfo -e
answer of 1 = machine can boot from a tape drive
answer of 0 = machine CANNOT boot from tape drive
diag -c -d (tape device) Hardware reset a tape drive.
tapechk (No of files) Checks Number of files on tape.
< /dev/rmt0 Rewinds the tape !!!
splp (device)
Displays/changes printer driver settings
splp /dev/lp0
export $LPDEST="pqname" Set default printer queue for login session
lsvirprt Lists/changes virtual printer attributes.
rmvirprt -q queuename -d queuedevice Removes a virtual printer
qpri -#(job No) -a(new priority) Change a queue job priority.
qhld -#(job No)
Put a hold on hold
qhld -r #(job No)
Release a held job
qchk -A
Status of jobs in queues
lpstat -p(queue)
Status of jobs in a named queue
qcan -x (job No)
Cancel a job from a queue
cancel (job No)
enq -U -P(queue)
Enable a queue
enable (queue)
enq -D -P(queue)
Disable a queue
disable (queue)
qmov -m(new queue) -#(job No) Move a job to another queue
startsrc -s qdaemon
Start qdaemon sub-system
lssrc -s qdaemon
List status of qdaemon sub-system
stop -s qdaemon
Stop qdaemon sub-system
Physical Volumes (PV's)
Lists all physical volumes (hard disks)
lspv (pv)
Lists the physical volume details
lspv -l (pv)
Lists the logical volumes on the physical volume
lspv -p (pv)
Lists the physical partition usage for that PV
chdev -l (pv) -a pv=yes Makes a new hdisk a pysical volume.
chpv -v r (pv)
Removes a disk from the system.
chpv -v a (pv)
Adds the removed disk back into the system.
chpv -a y (pv)
Changes pv allocatable state to YES
chpv -a n (pv)
Changes pv allocatable state to NO
migratepv (old pv) (new pv) Moves all LV's from
one PV to another PV, both
PV's must be in the same volume group.
Volume Groups (VG's)
Lists all volume groups
lsvg (vg) Lists the
volume group details
lsvg -l (vg) Lists all logical volumes
in the volume group
lsvg -p (vg) Lists all physical volumes
in the volume group
lsvg -o
Lists all varied on volume groups
varyonvg (vg)
Vary On a volume group
varyonvg -f (vg) Forces the
varyon process
varyonvg -s (vg) Vary on
a VG in maintenance mode. LV commands can be
used on VG, but LV,s cannot be opened for I/O.
varyoffvg (vg)
Vary Off a volume group
synclvodm (vg) Tries to resync VGDA, LV control blocks and ODM.
mkvg -y(vg) -s(PP size) (pv) Create a volume group
mkvg -y datavg -s 4 hdisk1
reducevg -d (vg) (pv) Removes a volume group
reducevg (vg) (PVID) Removes the PVID disk reference
from the VGDA when a
disk has vanished without the reducevg (vg) (pv)
command being run first.
extendvg (vg) (new pv) Adds
another PV into a VG.
exportvg (vg) Exports the volume group eg deletes it!
Note : Cannot export a VG if it has active paging space, turn off paging,
reboot before exporting VG. Exporting
removes entries from filesystems
file but does not remove the mount
chvg -a y (vg) Auto Vary On a volume group at system start.
lqueryvg -Atp (pv) Details volume group info for the hard disk.
importvg -y (vg name) (pv) Import a volume
group from a disk.
importvg (pv)
Same as above but VG will be called vg00 etc.
chvg -Q (y/n) (vg name)
Turns on/off Quorum checking on a vg.
Logical Volumes (LV's)
lslv (lv)
Lists the logical volume details
lslv -l (lv)
Lists the physical volume which the LV is on
mklv (vg) (No of PP's) (pv Name optional)
Create a logical volume
mklv -y (lv) (PP's) (pv name optional)
Creates a named logical volume
chlv -n (new lv) (old lv)
Rename a logical volume
extendlv (lv) (extra No of PP's)
Increase the size of an LV
rmlv (lv)
Remove a logical volume
mklv/extendlv -a = PP alocation policy
-am = middle -ac = center -ae = edge
-aie = inner edge -aim = inner middle
migratepv -l (lv) (old pv) (new pv)
Move a logical volume between physical volumes. Both physical volumes
must be in the same volume group !
mklv -y (lv) -t jfslog (vg) (No of PP's) (pv Name optional)
Creates a JFSlog logical volume.
logform (/dev/lv) Initialises an LV for use as an JFSlog
getlvcb -AT (lv) Displays Logical Volume Control Block information
File Systems (FS's)
Lists all filesystems
lsfs -q (fs) Lists the file system details
Lists all the mounted filesystems
mount (fs or lv) Mounts a named filesystem
mount -a
Mounts all filesystems
mount all
mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom mounts cd0 drive over /cdrom
crfs -v jfs -d(lv) -m(mount point) -A yes
Will create a file system on the whole of the logical volume, adds
entry into
/etc/filesystems and will create mount point directory if it does not
crfs -v jfs -g(vg) -m(mount point) -a size=(size of fs) -A yes
Will create a logical volume on the volume group and create the file
system on
the logical volume. All at the size stated. Will add entry into
/etc/filesystems and will create the mount point directory if it does
not exist.
chfs -A yes (fs)
Change file system to Auto mount in
chfs -a size=(new fs size)(fs) Change file system size
rmfs (fs)
Removes the file system and will also remove the
LV if there are no onther file systems on it.
defrag -q (fs) Reports the fragment
status of the file system.
defragfs -r (fs) Runs in report only defrag
mode (no action).
defragfs (fs) Defragments
a file system.
fsck (fs)
Verify a file system, the file system must be unmounted!
fsck (-y or -n) (fs) Pre-answer questions either yes or no !
fsck -p (fs) Will restore
primary superblock from backup copy if the
superblock is corrupt.
mklv -y (lv) -c(copies 2 or 3) (vg) (No of PP's) (PV Name optional)
Creates a mirrored named logical volume.
mklvcopy -s n (lv) (copies 2 or 3) (pv)
Creates a copy of a logical volume onto another physical volume. The
volume MUST be in the same volume group as the orginal logical volume
rmlvcopy (lv) (copies 1 or 2)
Removes logical volume copies.
rmlvcopy (lv) (copies 1 or 2) (pv)
From this pv only!
syncvg -p (pv)
Synchronize logical partion copies
syncvg -l (lv)
syncvg -v (vg)
mirrorvg (vg) (pv)
Mirrors the all the logical volumes in a volume group onto a new physical
volume. New physical volume must already be part of the volume group.
bootlist -m (normal or service) -o
displays bootlist
bootlist -m (normal or service) (list of devices)
change bootlist
bootinfo -b
Identifies the bootable disk
bootinfo -t
Specifies type of boot
bosboot -a -d (/dev/pv) Creates a complete boot image on a physical volume.
mkboot -c -d (/dev/pv) Zero's out the boot records on the physical volume.
savebase -d (/dev/pv) Saves customised ODM info onto the boot device.
sysdumpdev -l Lists current
dump destination.
sysdumpdev -e Estimates dumpsize
of the current system in bytes.
sysdumpdev -L Displays information
about the previous dump.
sysdumpstart -p Starts a dump and writes
to the primary dump device.
sysdumpstart -s Starts a dump and writes
to the secondary dump device.
(MCA machine can also dump if key is in service position and the reset
button is pressed)
sysdumpdev -p (dump device) -P Sets the default dump device, permanently
Analyse dump file :-
echo "stat\n status\n t -m" | crash /var/adm/ras/vmcore.0
lsps -a
Lists out all paging space
lsps -s
Displays total paging and total useage
lsps (ps)
mkps -s(No of 4M blocks) -n -a (vg)
mkps -s(No of 4M blocks) -n -a (vg) (pv)
-n = don't activate/swapon now
-a = activate/swapon at reboot
chps -a n (ps)
Turns off paging space.
chps -s(No of 4M blocks) (ps)
Increases paging space.
chlv -n (new name) (old name) Change paging space name
rmps (ps)
Remove paging space. PS must have been turned off
and then the system rebooted before it can be removed.
Note : Need to change the swapon entry in /sbin/rc.boot script if you
changing the default paging space
from /dev/hd6. You also need to
do a "bosboot -a -d /dev/hdiskx"
before the reboot.
File that lists all paging space devices that are
activated/swapon during reboot.
crontab -l
List out crontab entrys
crontab -e
Edit crontab entrys
crontab -l > (filename)
Output crontab entrys to a file
crontab (filename)
Enter a crontab from a file
crontab -r
Removes all crontab entrys
crontab -v
Displays crontab submission time.
/var/adm/cron/cron.allow File
containing users allowed crontab use.
File containing users denied crontab use.
Directory containing users crontab entries.
at (now + 2 minutes, 13:05, etc) {return}
Schedule a job using at
Command or schell script {return}
at -l
Lists out jobs scheduled to run via at command
at -r (at job No)
atrm (at job No) Removes
an at job scheduled to run.
/var/adm/cron/at.allow File containing users allowed at
/var/adm/cron/at.deny File containing users denied
at use.
/var/adm/cron/atjobs Directory containing users
at entries.
groups Lists
out the groups that the user is a member of
setgroups Shows user and
process groups
chmod abcd (filename) Changes files/directory permissions
Where a is (4 SUID) + (2 SGID) + (1 SVTX)
b is (4 read) + (2 write) + (1
execute) permissions for owner
c is (4 read) + (2 write) + (1
execute) permissions for group
d is (4 read) + (2 write) + (1
execute) permissions for others
-rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx -rwxrwxrwx
Group Others
-rwSrwxrwx = SUID -rwxrwSrwx = SGID drwxrwxrwt
chown (new owner) (filename)
Changes file/directory owners
chgrp (new group) (filename)
Changes file/directory groups
chown (new owner).(new group) (filename) Do both !!!
Displays umask settings
umask abc
Changes users umask settings
where ( 7 - a = new file read permissions)
( 7 - b = new file write permissions)
( 7 - c = new file execute permissions)
eg umask 022 = new file permissions of 755 = read write and execute
for owner
read ----- and execute for group
read ----- and execute for other
mrgpwd > file.txt Creates a standard password file in file.txt
passwd Change current user password
pwdadm (username) Change a users password
pwdck -t ALL Verifies the correctness of local authentication
lsgroup ALL
Lists all groups on the system
mkgroup (new group)
Creates a group
chgroup (attribute) (group) Change a
group attribute
rmgroup (group)
Removes a group
passwd -f
Change current users gecos (user description)
passwd -s
Change current users shell
chfn (username)
Changes users gecos
chsh (username) (shell)
Changes users shell
Displays values of environment variables
Displays current user's uid and gid details
id (user) Displays user uid
and gid details
whoami Displays
current user details
who am i (or who -m)
Displays details of all users currently logged in.
who -b
Displays system reboot time
uptime Displays
number of users logged in, time since last
reboot, and the machine load averages.
Displays number of current user licensese
chlicense -u (number) Changes
the number of user licenses
lsuser ALL
Lists all users details
lsuser (username)
Lists details for user
lsuser -a(attribute) (username or ALL) Lists user attributes
lsuser -a home ALL
mkuser -a(attributes) (newuser) Add a new user
chuser (attributes) (user)
Change a user
chuser login=false (user)
Lock a user account
rmuser -p (user) Removes a user and all entries in security files
usrck -t ALL Checks all the user entires are okay.
fuser -u (logical volume) Displays processes using the files in that LV
lsattr -D -l sys0 -a maxuproc
Displays max number of processes per user
chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=(number) Changes max number of
processes per user
ruser -a -f (user) Adds entry into
/etc/ftpusers file
ruser -a -p (host) Adds entry into
/etc/host.lpd file
ruser -a -r (host) Adds entry into
/etc/hosts.equiv file
ruser -d -f (user) Deletes entry
in /etc/ftpusers file
ruser -d -p (host) Deletes entry
in /etc/host.lpd file
ruser -d -r (host) Deletes entry
in /etc/hosts.equiv file
ruser -s -F
Shows all entries in /etc/ftpusers file
ruser -s -P
Shows all entries in /etc/host.lpd file
ruser -s -R
Shows all entries in /etc/hosts.equiv file
ruser -X -F
Deletes all entries in /etc/ftpusers file
ruser -X -P
Deletes all entries in /etc/host.lpd file
ruser -X -R
Deletes all entries in /etc/hosts.equiv file
telinit S
Switches to single user mode.
telinit 2
Switches to multi user mode.
telinit q
Re-examines /etc/inittab
lsitab -a
Lists all entries in inittab
lsitab (ident eg tty1) Lists the tty1 entry in inittab
mkitab ("details") Creates a new
inittab entry
chitab ("details") Ammends an existing
inittab entry
rmitab (ident eg tty1) Removes an inittab entry.
chitab "tty1:2:respawn:/usr/bin/getty /dev/tty1"
odmget -q "name=lp1" CuDv |more Gets lp1 info from pre-defined database.
odmget -q "name-lp1" CuAt |more Gets lp1 info from customised database.
odmdelete -o CuAt -q "name=lp1" Deletes lp1 info from customised db.
odmget -q "name=lp1" CuAt > lp1.CuAt Export
ODM info to text file.
odmadd < lp1.CuAt
Import ODM info from text file.
/usr/lib/errdemon -l
Displays errorlog attributes.
Starts error logging.
Stops error logging.
Displays summary errorlog report.
errpt -a
Displays detailed errorlog report.
errpt -j (identifier) Displays
singe errorlog report.
Note : errorlog classes are H=Hardware S=Software O=Information V=Undetermined
errclear (days)
Deletes all error classes in the errorlog.
errclear -d (class) (days) Deletes all error class entries
in errlog.
Note : The errclear command will delete all entries older than the numbers
days specified in the days paramenter.
To delete ALL entries used 0.
errlogger "message up to 230 chrs"
Enters an operator notifaction message into the errorlog.
vmstat (drive) (interval) (count)
Reports virtual memory statistics.
vmstat hdisk0 5 20
vmstat -s
Diplays number of paging events since system start.
vmstat -f
Diplays number of forks since system start.
vmstat -i
Diplays number of interupts by device since system start.
iostat (drive) (interval) (count)
Reports i/o and cpu statistics.
iostat hdisk0 5 20
iostat -d (drive) (interval) (count) Limits
report to drive statistics.
iostat -t (interval) (count)
Limits report to tty statistics.
sar -u -P ALL 10 10 Displays %usr %sys %wio %idle for all processors
Reads directory listing of a diskette
dosdir (directory) Reads
directory listing of a named directory
dosread -D/dev/fd0 C41.TXT c41.txt Gets C41.TXT from diskette drive fd0
dosread -D/dev/fd0 DIRECTORY/C41.TXT c41.txt
(-D option can be dropped if using fd0)
doswrite -D/dev/fd0 (unixfile) (dosfile) Writes a file to diskette
dosdel (dosfile) Deletes a dos file on diskette
dosformat Formats the diskette
sendmail -bi Creates new aliase
db from /etc/aliase file.
sendmail -bp Displays the contents
of the mail queue
sendmail -q Processe the sendmail queue NOW
sendmail -bt -d0.4 < /dev/null
Prints out sendmail version, compile defines and system information
refresh -s sendmail
Restart sendmail
kill -l (sendmail PID)
dsh (command) Runs the command on all the nodes
Diplays which node are currently fenced
Efence (node number)
Fences the node
Eunfence (node number) Unfences the node
Estart Starts the switch
spmon -q
Starts SP monitor in gui
spmon -d -G
Diag info, lists LED and switch info for all nodes
spmon -L frame1/node3 Displays LED for node 3 in
frame 1
spmon -p off frame1/node3 Powers off the node
spmon -p on frame1/node3 Powers on the node
spled Diplays all the nodes LED's in a updating gui
s1term -w (frame number) (node number) Opens serial terminal (read
and write)
s1term (frame number) (node number) Opens serial
terminal (read only)
Example :-
s1term 1 1 Opens a serial terminal to
console port on frame 1 node 1
which is read only. When rebooting a node use read only.
splstdata -e Lists site environment database information
Displays df command from each node
Lists node configuration
Diplays lscfg command from each node
Lists switch node information
Lists boot/installation information
Lists LAN database information
Displays netstat -in command from each node
Unknown By : viktor_simon ( Sat Mar 31 11:42:34 2007 )
comment By : deepadevi.J ( Thu Mar 1 22:41:47 2007 )
Unix docs By : anonymous ( Wed Jan 17 21:53:57 2007 )
comandos AIX By : anonymous ( Fri Jan 5 03:23:16 2007 )
All CommentsPreved Medvedi! By : Meringf ( Mon Oct 30 09:07:15 2006 )
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